Although the media spread rumours that Chopra was starving herself to reduce her weight to that of a supermodel, she said that her appearance was achieved with two months of training and a disciplined diet. The film's climactic scene in which Chopra walks the ramp at Paris Fashion Week was supposed to be filmed in Paris, with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop, but Bhandarkar could not shoot there. In mid-August 2008, key scenes with Chopra, Raj Babbar and Kiran Juneja—Chopra's character's parents—were filmed in Chandigarh for authenticity; Bhandarkar said, "we wanted to bring the essence of the city alive in the scenes". The director said the film took about 106 days to complete, compared with his 45-day average. Anthropology, the study of culture and of human societies, examines fashion by asking why certain styles are deemed socially appropriate and others are not. From the theory of interactionism, a certain practice or expression is chosen by those in power in ...